Sunday, May 31, 2009

Slowly back on my feet

I finally feel more relax, I guess the "poison" has left me, most of it at least. I managed to drag myself to the gym this morning to do some work out since I have not have the energy to move much for the past few days.

So exercise and stretching was good, still little old at the bones, haha.. But I'm fine. It was also the weekly cleaning day, that was another work out too, sweat does make you feel good~ Then off I went for lunch. It was the 1st time I had rice since Thurs! I gotta get more carbs and protein in me, need energy for the upcoming week!

Yvonne was kind enough to invite me to her place for pole practice, Jacklyn was there too. I managed to do a few rounds but after an hour or so, sweaty palms finally got in the way, maybe I'm still not fit enough, or I'm just plain nervous, or it could be the weather too, hmm.. However, at least there are some progress done. Did a few recordings to spot any mistakes that needs to be improved and with their help by giving constructive comments, helps a lot, thanks a bunch guys! I appreciate that.

Next practice, I'll implement some new ideas in, can't wait!

Friday, May 29, 2009

VV Pole Stars Grand Finale Exclusive Invitation

VV Pole Stars Grand Finale Exclusive Invitation..

So mates, if you're interested of attending this event, I'm delighted to invite you and what you need to do is just let me know by 1st June, Monday morning, either through here or FB or mobile, so I can book you an entry as my guests.

The newspaper

I finally managed to eat something proper for dinner but the tummy is still not itself. Sucha wrong timing, I missed my chance for pole access yesterday and tomorrow suppose to be a full pole-day: pole practice in the morning (Thanks Yvonne, for offering), group training in the afternoon and in-house showcase later. I guess I can't make it..

Just read the news in The Star, page 20, about the accident. Sadly, the little girl did not survive, reported to pass away on the spot, I just do not know what to say..

But I guess I should put myself together and get back on my feet soon. Sorry guys for all these sulky news but I just need to let it out.

Have a good weekend ya'll!

Group training #4

Good morning everyone! It's a weak morning for me but I hope all is well..

Here are some pictures taken with the mates during the group training on Wednesday night

And here is a compilation video recorded by Lola, edited by Vee

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Received a bad news from Lola last night about Jenny being admitted to the hospital due to appendicitis, oh dear, I hope she recovers well. I have no experience of such but I heard about how painful the recovering period is and I hope hers ain't too severe.

Being physically and mentally drained before, I'm feeling weak today, seen the doctor and claimed to be food poisoning, oh brother~ Not to mention, the time of month old symptoms (not even having it yet) and lightheaded. On top of it all, I would like to share my regrets about something so bad that I never wish it would fall upon someone, just right before my eyes.

Just as I came out from the clinic near my office (I was at work this morning but feeling not quite right after a while), I heard a loud bang, undoubtedly the sound of 2 cars knocking into each other. When my eyes meet the source of the sound, I saw a car at a parking slot, in a reversed position, with most of the back portion was already up to the divider. The woman in the car looks clueless, figuring it was embarassing that she could not even park properly, and still is after she got out of the car to check the damage of the car she knocked next to hers.

Something caught my eyes - a little figure underneath the car, to be exact, in between the driver's side tyre and the divider. The next thing I heard, a guy nearby shouted "Baby!" and that's when I confirmed myself that what I saw is true, it's a little girl! And that's also when the woman notice that it's her daughter (so I figured), she started screaming while I rush to car to see what I can help and other 8-10 men, they lift the car and someone move the little girl away from there.

My view was blocked by the men so I didn't see the condition of the little girl. I notice everyone was stunned and I quickly ran back to the clinic to ask them to call the ambulance and I was suggested to get someone to drive her straight to the hospital. I ran out and asked a man to get a car or if knows anyone who has a car nearby to help but all they ever said to me is that "She's not moving anymore and probably won't make it, that accident probably crush her skull". I ran back to the clinic trying to comprehend what to do next, the doctor was reporting the accident via phone, to the hospital I reckoned. I told her that I couldn't get any help, she kept asking me to find help cause the ambulance probably will take a while to arrive. I ran out again asking for help but all the people standing/ lingering around the area, about 5 of them are calling the ambulance, no one offers help. I was devastated and spiritually drained. I stood there as helplessly as the woman did, kneeling at the side of her daughter, crying and screaming away.

I walked away, back to the office few blocks away, feeling tired from my physical condition and numb from what I just encountered. I briefly told my boss what happened and I packed my stuff to head home to rest, that should already be 30mins after the encounter. I passed 1 street away from the accident site, the usual way to get out of my working area, and I saw that the ambulance just arrived.

I can't describe how I feel but I definitely regret for not being strong will enough to overcome the pain that I'm having and get my car to drive them to the hospital, the little girl could have been saved, 1 min makes a lot of difference whether the victim could make it, what's more 30mins.

When I got home, I finally able to nap to overcome the physical pain but I'm emotionally troubled by the accident that it's even playing in my head while I nap. I woke up in tears feeling worst than ever as though I'm in the woman's shoes, I should have, I could have.. I'm sorry. All I hope now that the little girl still has the chance to survive and I keep wondering what's her condition and the woman (the mother), she must feel.. devastated, that's even a word understated.

Not sure how well I can overcome this "trauma" and regrets.. Hoping for nothing else but the best for her..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I gotta say that I haven't stop moving ever since I got back. Touch down on Monday late afternoon, working already the next day, usual class at night and today, group training #4! It's draining me. I've missed #3 on Saturday, not sure what has been accomplished by other mates but I'm sure there's something =) Oh here's the video of group training #2, nothing much but I gotta admit I made some mistakes, sorry mates, I'll be more focus!

Photos taken during my trip are still in the process of editing, will post some significant ones soon and IF I have the time to do so, seems pretty much packed with stuff to do nowadays.

Since I was away, I didn't get the chance to practice until the usual class last night. I was playing the song in my head while putting the choreo into real action, mostly trying to see how well I can transit from one move to another. Oh man~ Much adjustment has to be made. I've gotten some useful opinions from my mates and Sam for techniques correction. Hmm.. Less than 2 weeks, maybe about another 3 times of practice? Will that be sufficient? I really do hope so.. And thanks Sam for ensuring me that all are still possible.

But wait! Outfit and make-up, ahhh~ Not what I'm good at, being the least material girl that I am with limited range of clothing and no use of any make-up, that's another big challenge. Hope my friends can help but I'll have to figure out my concept of outfit in accordance to the concept of my choreo before hand. Geez.. I have no idea there are so many preparation to do.. And heels, I sort of wrecked my other heels last night, I gotta admit that it is still better with proper dancing shoes BUT I don't have one and I'm not a big spender neither to have the luxury to be one! Sigh. Last resort, I'll go barefoot.

All these little challenges pretty much making me a little blank and uncertain, but stay calm Curtney, plan one by one, inhale exhale, inhale exhale..

Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm back


I'm back from the beautiful Pulau Weh in Aceh! I was hoping that I could stay longer for the little trip but timing doesn't allow me to, gotta get back to work and last but not least, preparation for the Semi Final/ Grand Finale.

Just got home few hours back and unpacking and dinner bla bla bla.. so I'm just gonna make it short and update ya'll with more details later, maybe not details, just stuff =) Exhausted, in a good way though, the extreme hiking and climbing and walking and swimming during the trip, plus the hectic-ness of work and pole training before I left, which all accumulated, body seems to tell you that you.. need.. to.. slow down.. Arghhh.. I need to be fitter for the game~

Today's already 25 May!!! Geez, time sure flies ain't it? Still haven't have my full practice for the competition nor the upcoming showcase and it is freaking me out! And not forgetting the time of the month is coming, can already feel the tingling uneasiness at the tummy, oh brother~ That ain't gonna help. But whatever so, I'll give my 110%, at least 101%, or 91% depending on how much my body can cope. Okay, babbling is also a sign of needing more rest.

So alrighty, time to hit the sack. It's been a long day, already awake 6ish to have the last stroll and look at the beach and the sunset, oh my~ Just simply lovely! I'll post them pictures when they are ready aite. For now, one for ya'll..

Gute Nacht und schlaft gut!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Group training #2

Oh how I hope today's a Sun without having to wake up early. If I have the chance, I would probably hibernate for days, can hardly open my eyes fully, more like Garfield now, haha..

Feeling as crushed as yesterday. The usual class, group training, own training and work is becoming too much to handle as all requires full energy and attention; plus the hot weather! Blah! System starts acting up too, feeling the strain at my old back injury area, and tiredness making me hard to focus at work at times; sorry boss, it’ll soon be over ;)

I was 12minutes late for last night’s training, sorry guys, was at work till a little late and went to a friend’s place along the way to save more videos for ideas. I’m glad that the videos are useful and helped us making our beginning phase of choreography more solid together with the input from others. Lotsa opinions being given, discussion being carried out, that's a good team work! The main element for this stage I suppose, other than each of us having to do our 1 minute solo showing our execution of techniques.

And we also welcome Jenny, our new team mate! I feel bad for her to have to travel all the way from Seremban and to drive home after night training. Hope this is a good experience nonetheless for her and that she feels comfortable with us =)

Anyways, despite of the tiredness, we all manage to finally come up with choreography for the beginning phase as a team and it’s been a good process so far, well done to all of us! The video is on the way of editing, hope it’s of good quality (recorded using phone) since all of us didn’t bring a camera. It will be published here after I get back or at other team members’ blog too so watch out! ;)

The others will continue with brain storming for 2nd phase on Sat, which I won’t be able to join. Hope being away from the city and everything else could be of a good break to refresh myself; otherwise I won’t be able to keep up.

I won’t be able to write till I return on Monday afternoon, unless I'm not lazy to get online, so I’ll see you guys then and have a good weekend!

And I have not finish packing yet! Ahhh!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Usual class..

Gosh waking up feeling crushed, gotta take it easy with work out and practice. But can’t wait for the group training tonight, and hope me and the mates are be able to combine our thoughts together to come up with some choreography, at least for this week, fingers cross, and toes too ;p Too bad I can’t join them this weekend as I’ll be away on a trip from Friday till Monday, which I’m looking forward to as well =)

Oh before I go any further, maybe I should recap of what’s going on here, for those who don’t really know about the cause of this blog. This blog is created in the event of Viva Vertical Pole Stars 2009, see link Click on “Pole Stars Personal Blogs” and you’ll see all the finalists (me will be “Olly” for FitPole category) and the details of the competition.

Me and other 5 semi finalists are to create a blog to share our progress or thoughts about this sport or the competition and to get your support by you leaving comments or to be a “Followers” (I would prefer the word supporters though). I’ll try to make this blog as interesting as possible, and so if you wish to support me, you know what to do ;)

So continue with my progress. I had a great class last night and gotten good guidance on a technique, as shown in the photo below. That was my first few attempts and will do better in terms of getting the form much nicer =) Also tried out pole routine with heels, oh hell yea I need better heels, so will try on the other one tonight during training. Wearing heels does make the legs look much leaner and sort of exaggerate the muscle profile, nice.. But it also takes more strength control at the ankle and has to be more careful while doing certain techniques/ moves.

Not forgetting getting new bruises at the biceps on top of the old already fading ones, LOL, I could be easily be mistaken of an abused victim. Luckily no sore at the waist yet from trying the Scorpio or Gemini but it’ll come soon. For now, I wouldn’t wanna break anything, in me, LOL.

Okie dokie, will be off now, hope I can update ya’ll with some progress on tonight’s group training tomorrow.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ordinary night..

Pheww.. Returning home after work on a Monday always feel extra relief.
First day of the week is always little tiring than usual with the post-weekend-laziness.

Nothing out of the norm except for having to go to a site to meet a client to discuss the interior work of his house. Oh man~ this client might be a tricky one as he likes his brother's house that just been "architecturally" completed (few blocks away from his house) and it ain't a lovely house at all. So me and my boss are changing his mindset of design, strategically step by step.

Anyways, shall not blah too much about it.

So no practice today except for "acting out" the choreography in my head while I'm driving, been out most of the day, the warm weather ain't helping at all. Getting more familiar with the routine but still lotsa space for adjustment, after all I still need to do few takes on full practice with a pole before getting it right. Geez I need a pole to practice!!!

Well, at least I get to try something out during tomorrow's class, yeah!!!

Although this is a competition but I strongly think that the people deserve a good enjoyable show and we ought to give them a good one, whether winning or losing. "Competition is not a way to judge or measure your ability" I happily quoted this, by my instructor.

Hope you guys get to loosen up a bit on a Monday night, I shall be continuing with my Little Britain that undoubtedly, always manage to give me some good laughs =)

"Yea but no but yea but no but.. Shut up I can't believe you just said that.." Those who watched Little Britain would know, those who have not, should try ;)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Self training on a Sunday morning

Hot Sunday morning..
After the whole night of "feeling" and "developing" emotions to the song, it's time to put my rough mind-choreography into practice.
So had breakfast and down I go to the gym for its full length mirrors.

Starting with stretching. Oh dear.. my bones are getting too old for my age though still young, have to remember not to push my back too hard, really bad back injury in my teens during volleyball training.

Anyways, so starts the practice, it'll be so much better to have a pole to practice fully. For now, it's just working out the choreography and collaborating it with the song, and keep on going till I'm familiarize with it. Darn I need to fix my heels or try other better ones too.

This is a collage of me during practice, nothing spectacular but thought it's nice to share something ;) Hope you guys like it.

After feeling satisfied for today, off I go for lunch. Well, main reason was tummy was crying for food so had to stop, haha.. Yea I know, me pig, oink oink~ Oh speaking of food, you guys gotta try this stall in Jalan Alor, the Hakka Mee is sooo good and the "Siew Yok" is crisp and tender at the same time, mmm mmmm.. I'll take a pic of the stall just in case you guys thought of checking it out.

Alrighty mates, off I go now to rest my mind a bit. Little Britain will make a good Sunday snack-show ;)

You guys enjoy the rest of the weekend aite!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Group training #1

Waking up on a Saturday morning feeling.. weird but in a good way.
Can't stop myself from thinking about poling and the competition, or shall I say worrying?
It's exactly 3 weeks ONLY to go until the Grand Finale, WHAT THE !?!?!

We met up last night at the studio for #1 group training. Unfortunately, we didn't get the music yet. Lola is cracking her head mixing songs and stuff, poor dear, I understand how tough it is to choose the right song, what's more songs and mix them into one. Hence, I hope the songs and suggestions I email her this morning could be of some help to her in some ways =)

Technically we didn't do much last night other than practicing and sharing our personal poling experience. Nothing major but it's really nice to discuss how certain spins or techniques are executed, and chatting to get to know each other.

Of course we also take the chance to at least try to roughly coordinate our own solo routine. I think we're all worry about the tight time frame to practice the group routine, what's more own solo routine since most do not have a pole at home to practice as often as possible. 3 weeks! You kidding me!?!? Well I'm sure the organizers ain't ;)

I hope our next training will be a productive one, not just talking and noise since unexpectedly 2 boys came to the studio, which I guess outsiders are allowed, yes no?

Alrighty guys, I'll talk to you guys again tomorrow! Till then, ya'll keep well aite!

Let's do this!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Where the journey starts

I made it! At least for the Preliminary.
At the bottom is my video (1st video ever recorded) that I submitted for the Preliminary, actually it was my 2nd recording.

A little insight from the beginning.
I did my 1st recording and wasn't satisfied with it, so I reselected a new genre of song and started to choreograph new routine in my mind, expressing the song yet incorporating the routine from the pre-choreographed video given.
When I finally get to put the routine in my mind into practice, the blister I got from previous practice burst and I couldn't perform even a simple spin, what's more making a single recording.
I was devastated cause I don't have a good video to submit though I already had the 1st recording, not satisfied.
To speed up the recovery of the blister, I've open up the "bubble" and pour antiseptic liquid for wounds in it so it dries faster. Ooh.. darn it hurts.

Then comes the weekend and I book myself a spot for pole access. There I meet Kenny aka Flipper again and we did the recording together, and also met Jon Ti aka Chunky Monkey. They are all great and have taught me a thing or two.
Having to bear with still, some slight pain at the blister area, I manage to make my 2nd recording, pheww.. Though not perfect but I feel more attached to the routine and the song.
I've shown it to my instructor and some friends for opinions and all have given me very constructive comments. Finally, I've chosen to submit the 2nd video.

And here I am, given good chance to join other good pole dancers for Semi Finals, which we'll be practicing a group routine together for the weeks to come and perform during the Grand Finale, 6th June 2009. So girls! Oh and guy too, let's train hard together and give them all a good performance.

And watch out for what comes next ;)

The ending counts but the journey matters more.

The beginning

Hey guys,

This blog is created for you all in the event of Viva Vertical Pole Stars.
Here, you will be able to see my progress during training sessions until the Grand Finale.
I'll be sharing my thoughts and hope to get as much feedback as possible from you, yes, you there ;)
So stay tuned and hope you enjoy it!