Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Made it to the finals

Holla! It's the time of the year again, Pole Stars Malaysia! Coming right up on May 22, 2010 on a very lovely Saturday.

The usual, panic slowly starts to set in due to insufficient preparation so far with a full time job to deal with so many students, yes, I am a lecturer now; and part time job at certain nights of the week, yes, I am also officially a pole instructor! Only Beginner instructor though. And many thanks for Viva Vertical leaders for the never ending support during the process.

So, by me obtaining the 1st prize from last year's competition in the amateur FitPole category, it has push me to face greater challenge this year -- Professional category, which obviously I am pretty much not ready as I still have lots to learn in terms of skills and showmanship. By having said that, it is actually a great chance to expose myself among these excellent pole dancers and to learn from them. And I hope from within, I could improve myself to be a more all-rounded pole dancer-instructor. "You actually learn more through the experience of performing" quoted Sam -- my ever caring instructor. She is competing in the same category as well, go Sam!

Anyhow, I am advised to blog about my thoughts and experience of the journey to Pole Stars, so finally I manage to get myself to blog today as I was busy with students' project assessment in college, glad it is almost over, just a little bits left to complete, but you know, things always turn up and I will be away and busy again this weekend, and and.. Oh well, it never ends so enough babbling, here is my little clip of the submission video..

Those who do not already know about this competition, you can check it out at And if you wish to attend this event, either to support me or to just enjoy the night full of tentalizing art performances, you may contact me here by May 18, 2010, and I shall help you submit your name with payment of RM20 early bird discounts. Besides, this year we have the beautiful Davina Goh to perform as well to raise donation and it will go to a selected charity.

I will try my best to keep ya'll posted on my progress shall there be time for me to blog ya.

Pole love & care,

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Photo #3

Waking up relax, finally don't have to rush anywhere this weekend. But I was expecting my mom, sis and nephews to be around but it was such a rush so they can't make it to KL. And so I missed all the fun with my family, now that I have 4 nephews, more hands are needed, to stop them from bringing down the house, hehe..

Today will be another session of chiropractor-ing, hope this time will fully heal what's left behind of the injury. Maybe I'll learn it one day, for myself and to help others. You can hardly find people being good at it and I can feel that this amazing profession is slowing losing its ground here. And I'm glad I found this lady to help me with injuries of such and no western doctors can help without pumping "chemical" pills in you; even with that, it might not help.

Alrighty, here's the third batch of photos, no news of the video yet but I'm hoping to see it soon =)

Me & my goodie prize

Me checking out my goodie prize, thinking what can I do with it..

We're totally obsess with shooting

Since there ain't any trophy, this cert is valuable as memory of such event

And I share this cert with my lovely supportive friends
Finally got the guys in the picture! But where's my boo & Charles?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Photo #2

Finally feel much better from the nerves problem at my left arm, though movement still not normal but it is good progress. Here are the second batch of photos (before or during the event) that I've collected from facebook.

The curl, captured by Marianne during morning rehearsal TAKE #1

Let go, captured by Marianne during the morning rehearsal TAKE #2

Let loose, captured by Marianne during morning rehearsal TAKE #3

Me & Kerry Ann posing with our grand prize *huge grin*

Part of my choreo where I do the hang back and curl myself up a bit to express the music/ song
Thanks to Arthur for this lovely shot

Me & the pretty Shammy, a skillful make up artist who did a stunning make up on me

Me & the funny Audrey W, we're both sticky from the humidity of the bar but still lovely in white

Me & the sleepy-look-alike Arica. I can tell it was Audrey B's fingers at the back of our heads.

Me & the cheeky Audrey B, I knew you would place ur fingers at the back of our heads.

Me & the quiet Alice, must be missing her boo

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Photo #1

Receiving the grand prize from Vee & Lola, so honoured

Chunky Monkey (Jon Ti), me, Trinity (Kerry Ann) & Milan (Liyana)

Me chatting & laughing away with Kerry Ann

Me & my ever lovable supportive instructor, Samantha

I actually forgotten my steps here ;p (Group's solo routine)

This is me before I fall while changing to a different leg to hook on pole, lol (Group's solo routine)

The beginning of my solo routine

Coincident shot taken by Lolita's (Tesa) friend during my solo routine

Me & my lovely supportive friends TAKE #1
From left : Shammy (my make up artist), Audrey B, Arica, Audrey W & Alice

Me & my lovely supportive friends TAKE #2 at the pole

Me & my shy boo (he needs a hair cut)

Finally home after the event but make up is still fresh, thanks for Shammy's stunning make up!

Me & Tesa during the morning rehearsal (clearly we both need more good sleep)


Hope you guys are doing well and good.

I went to see my usual chinese massage guru (chiropractor) yesterday. Excrutiating pain but still bearable. Apparently, I have injured my entire left arm, probably from the fall that causes some nerves problems, but the pain didn't come till Sunday when she's closed. She just smirk when she saw me and said, knowing my behaviour, I'll sprain it again and unfortunately, this time, slightly more serious than normal, but at least I have not have the fever yet and gain something from the competition.

So guys, if you feel like parts of you ain't feeling or working right, go fix it right away to prevent bigger problems, nerves problems ain't a joke! Now my entire left arm is retarded in just 1 night, can't even twist open a water bottle cap normally, feel useless. I'm grateful that my boo are there to help me with daily stuff and house chores, he's the best (besides my family and friends of course)!

Oh well, there ain't gonna be any pole class for me till I'm fully recovered, hopefully I'll be able to resume class next week, wouldn't want to miss Sam till she goes off for 2 weeks.

I'll see you guys soon!

PS : Sorry for the pics, I'll start serious editing later and my friends who took pics that night too, please email me, thankies!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Unexpected achievement and many thanks

It was a blast event and I actually feel young again, not that I'm really old now, it's just the feeling of being young, brave and just out there to have fun!

Winning the Fitpole category was unexpected and unbelievable but I have to admit it gives me a sense of achievement and assurance, that I'm good at this sport and what I love doing.

When they announced Chunky Monkey to be the runner up, I already believed that I won't stand a chance. Why? 1. I fell during the Semi Final but I got through and that's probably luck. 2. I slipped again at the end of my solo for Grand Final. 3. I repeated a technique twice cause I forgot my steps. 4. All these mistakes ain't suppose to take place in a competition. 5. I was already disappointed for those mistakes, what's more the judges. Most of all, 6. the others showcased more advance techniques than I do.

Hence, when they are about to announce the winner, I was just sitting back, chit chatting with my friends whom came to support. I didn't even hear my name until they repeatedly call my name. The first thought was "What!?! I slipped with an unsatisfied ending (pose) and I'm the winner???" Then you know, went up to receive the prize from Vee and Lola, they looked absolutely stunning!

I was still in shock and only feel the excitement of winning today. It's unbelievable and I'm still trying to rationalise what makes me deserve this honourable title after all the mistakes I did. I wish there would be an evaluation time with the judges to understand my strengths and weakness, that's how one can improve.

On top of it all, I would like to share this moment with my team mates : Lolita, Jenny, Mona, Kylie, Chunky Monkey, and the Exotic team for giving them a good show and proves to ourselves that we can do it!

Also many thanks to my friends who attended the event, Shammy (for the stunning make up), Weei Boon, Alice, Arica, Audrey(s), Kenji, Christina, Wat Boon, Ee Leng (for the skirt), William, Charles and most importantly, my boo! For those who can't make it to the event, thanks for the moral support after all this while. And my instructor, Samantha who believes in me and keep ensuring me of my capability. Muahh to you guys! This is the biggest award apart from the title!

This won't be the end of me but maybe a little less active since nothing big is gonna happen later, just back to usual work and pole classes.

For polers out there, keep rocking!

PS : There will be loads of pics published here soon, will keep you guys posted.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Final thoughts

Exhausted? Yes.. I've been hardcore poling, sprained my left forearm a little last night and can feel the tenseness of the muscle, definitely need a break.
Nervous? H*ll yea.. To showcase in front of public! The last time I did it was in high school when I was young, brave and care less; now I'm a olddd chicken.
Excited? Yes.. Definitely, to be able to perform an art form again, that brings back memories (whether I'll do it well is another matter)
Scared? Yes.. Of my left forearm, if it doesn't allow me to execute my routine then and sweaty palms that would fail everything else.
Fun? Yes.. Despite all concerns and pressure, it's definitely a fun interactive experience and a chance to push myself to the limit by understanding my own capabilities better.

Last words?
This is the last day till the Semi Final/ Grand Finale (tomorrow!). I won't be doing much today except for working during the day and just chill at night. As for practice, my body says "Enough, time for a break to recharge and recover from all the sores for tomorrow". I would not say it's been a perfect training so far, at least for me, but this is the best I can do and the limits of how much the body can take, wouldn't want the imaginary break down to come true.

I had another hardcore session of training last night and made full use of the time I have left. I met Kerry Ann there and I believe she's an experience dancer (at least looks like one); though fresh in pole dance but I'm sure she'll do just fine. At the end of the training, I figured, there are rounds that I can do it well but there are rounds that I can't complete it; and it all depends on the emotions and nerves, pretty much hard to control I would say, for not being nervous. Will just have to recover and compromise and hopefully I won't go brain dead when that happens. Again, easy said and done.

For someone who only just had 3 months of pole lessons, I'm honoured to be part of this showcase/ competition but also contradicting myself of my own standards to actually be in this. Whatever it is, many thanks to you out there who has been encouraging me all along and those who are attending the event to show support, I'll give me very best to be the best pole dancer out of myself and most of all, to give you guys a good show!

Oh by the way, there will celebrities performing to raise funds for WWF and WOA, how cool is that! And some of the instructors and students will be performing as well! So this event is going to be a blast!