I'm back from the beautiful Pulau Weh in Aceh! I was hoping that I could stay longer for the little trip but timing doesn't allow me to, gotta get back to work and last but not least, preparation for the Semi Final/ Grand Finale.
Just got home few hours back and unpacking and dinner bla bla bla.. so I'm just gonna make it short and update ya'll with more details later, maybe not details, just stuff =) Exhausted, in a good way though, the extreme hiking and climbing and walking and swimming during the trip, plus the hectic-ness of work and pole training before I left, which all accumulated, body seems to tell you that you.. need.. to.. slow down.. Arghhh.. I need to be fitter for the game~
Today's already 25 May!!! Geez, time sure flies ain't it? Still haven't have my full practice for the competition nor the upcoming showcase and it is freaking me out! And not forgetting the time of the month is coming, can already feel the tingling uneasiness at the tummy, oh brother~ That ain't gonna help. But whatever so, I'll give my 110%, at least 101%, or 91% depending on how much my body can cope. Okay, babbling is also a sign of needing more rest.
So alrighty, time to hit the sack. It's been a long day, already awake 6ish to have the last stroll and look at the beach and the sunset, oh my~ Just simply lovely! I'll post them pictures when they are ready aite. For now, one for ya'll..

Gute Nacht und schlaft gut!
The photo looks fantastic!!!! :O So brown and orange! everything!